Books, Subscription Boxes

Darkness Calls Litjoy Crate Unboxing

This is my last LitJoy for a while, as the shipping has spiked up and the box hasn’t really been giving me as much joy as I wish (and I have to decide where to spend my money). But let’s see what we had, starting top right with the contents booklet.

  • Under the booklet, we have the author letter. The art is kinda cool.
  • More collectible cards, I think it’s the last few but I am not sure I got them all as you had to get the Harry Potter boxes.
  • Night Court Stationery, it’s nice not too fussed, could’ve been nicer.
  • Hot pads, I like them, but again. nothing special.
  • Nocturna by Maya Motayne, super excited to read this one!
  • A Prince Cardan cushion cover, also not fussed (see, a pattern emerges). The art is cool but not my thing.
  • Malfoy Men Magnets, made a friend very happy with them.

Basically, I kept the book, the hot pads and that’s it? Which isn’t a really good outcome considering it had to come from the US and it costs the shipping fee and everything.

I have to say I wish the stationery had been a bit nicer, more fancy, more thoguht inot it as I would’ve loved to have more of that (I am not keen on paper items but good stationery is good!).

Books, Subscription Boxes

Born Rebel Litjoy Unboxing

This is going to be my second to last Litjoy. I am trying to keep costs down and it is hard to choose which boxes to keep. Since I’ve been skipping the last few months of Litjoy, I decided it was a good idea to not renew. And this box confirmed it, as I am just not excited about it.

Contents of the box from top left (book) and going clockwise:

  • The Tiger at Midnight. I knew this was the book and want to read it.
  • A book sleeve with a Throne of Glass quote. I am terribly bored of SJM quotes however I like the sleeve because it feels perfect for a tablet.
  • A set of Snake Handle Makeup brushes, makes me think of Slytherin. I don’t really do makeup and alreayd have a set of brushes so this is a cool item that sadly I have no use for.
  • A collectible bracelet Percy Jackson themed. It’s neat, they have sent bracelets of this type before. I like them, do not wear them at all.
  • Aladdin magnetic bookmarks. Super cute, but my issue with magnetic bookmarks is that they break quickly.
  • A fearless rune sticker, assuming it is from Shadowhunters (yes the leaflet says so). It’s kinda meh because it is just a rune sticker, doesn’t mean much to me and it is huge so hard to mix with other laptop stickers. Space is a prime thing.
  • The theem card, I do love the artwork for it.
  • The collectible cards, Infernal Devices trio.

As you can see it wasn’t a bad box, but it just wasn’t for me. The only things I am keeping is the book and the sleeve. Which isn’t worth the price of it for me (considering it costs the shipping to UK). And they’re moving furhter away from themed fully on the book, which is the main reason I loved this. It used to be very thoughtfully curated to match the book but this feels more like a hey thrwo nice stuff in.

Books, Subscription Boxes

Pirate Thief Litjoy Unboxing


This was an easy “yes” from me for the theme, pirates, arggg matey! *insert parrot and eye patch* So let’s dive into the contents and see it all. Starting from the top right, with the theme card hidden underneath book and coasters:

  • I’ve just said theme card and it’s more of a theme booklet, but it is stunning.
  • Pirate coasters, they are four different fandom pirates with quotes from each. They’re cool and my boyfriend doesn’t find them too feminine, so that’s a bonus.
  • Pirate bracelet. I like it but it isn’t exactly my cup of tea (I am not the most crazy about jewelry, despite loving my piercings, I don’t really buy it and don’t wear much except crazy earrings, that we never get, there… a good idea, send us really crazy earrings)
  • A cool Kraken pirate flag about to sink a ship. A friend asked dibs on it, and even though I am not into flag/penchants kind of stuff, I adore the design of the artwork. It is stunning. Give me a blanket or tea towel with it please!
  • A hunky man print that is meant to match the book but I haven’t read it yet so no idea. It also has the author letter on the back.
  • The usual litjoy trading cards.
  • You can’t see it very well because it is a transparent thing, but there’s a shotglass that says yo ho, yo ho the reader’s life for me. It made me laugh!
  • The main book which I had considered preordering but then decided to wait and see, and here it is. It sounds intriguing and I do love the cover.
  • A fortune teller, it came flat and with instructions on how to make it to promote a new book.
  • A second book, Brightly Burning! Funnily enough a friend had recommended it and we talked a bit about it before I received the box, so this was a good coincidence.

All in all it was a fun box, and I can’t complain much about it. I have skipped the February one because I know which book it and I already have a copy on the way plus the theme isn’t driving me crazy but will be back unboxing Litjoy in March 🙂

Subscription Boxes

Fallen Kingdom LitJoy Crate Unboxing


As you may already know, I discovered LitJoy a while ago and what made me decide for them were two things: that it was cheaper than Fairyloot (including shipping, and considering LitJoy is international shipping vs Fairyloot doing national shipping), and that it curates the box for the book. Yes, there is a theme, and the items fall into the theme, but they do because they genuinely reference either items of the book or things used in the book (and sometimes the theme). Plus it usually comes with an explanation of why they chose each item that is a little more in depth than most other boxes I’ve tried.

But let’s get into this box, going from left to right (there aren’t any more unboxings with this layout, don’t worry):

  • A ruling the world after a finish one more chapter Tumbler (I think that is the right word?), I like it more than the previous bottle type item they sent, as this one fits better but I probably won’t be using it. Nevertheless it is fun, in a great shade of purple.
  • Three trading cards. I like getting them but most of the time I barely recognise the characters and I am not too bothered by them (is anyone really into the whole trading cards thing?). They’re a consistent thing and I am ambiguos about them. (The art is gorgeous, don’t get me wrong, I do appreciate that).
  • Once a King, by Erin Summerill. I have the two previous books (which I haven’t read yet) but it was nice to get this edition (it is such a gorgeous one! Classy, beautiful, one of the best “exclusive editions” I’ve seen). I was surprised they included a book that is considered the third in a series, but for me it wasn’t an issue, and actually made this a great choice.
  • Some Darkling (I may be lying) print. You can see how excited I am about it because I can’t even remember who it is, right?
  • If you can read this.. pair of socks. I wasn’t very keen about socks in book boxes when they first started because they weren’t great socks, but I am loving the good quality, not tacky ones that I have been receiving recently in different boxes, and this ones aren’t the exception.
  • Courage dear heart notebook, I loved the artwork. Narnia, yes please.
  • Weasley is King pin, which felt like a super cute badge and made me instantly smile.
  • The themed artwork print which also is the author letter (if I got it right, usually it is inside the book but there was an printing error, however it doesn’t bother me as it still fits inside the book, without damaging it so no biggie!)

All in all it was a nice box, and I was happy to not receive another reading journal and instead get a nice notebook that I can choose to use for whatever purposes I want (which may or may not be a reading journal, but who am I kidding? It definitely won’t be a journal because I haven’t been able to keep one ever).

As I have been saying before about boxes (in previous unboxing posts) missing out on the little things, for example, this box had the “weasley is king” pin which to me was just a wonderful little item I had. I could only have asked for a paper crown in it to make it better.

Subscription Boxes

Dreams & Nightmares Litjoy Crate Unboxing


Look at this gorgeous box! I couldn’t resist getting Litjoy’s special edition crate for Muse of Nightmares. I already had the gorgeous Fairyloot edition of Strange the Dreamer, so I wanted a nice edition to match, and this one is definitely gorgeous.

The box was full of purple delightful things as you can see below.


Starting on the book and going round clockwise:

  • Muse of Nightmares, it came with an auhtor letter and signed. And this is the American edition (I have UK edition for Strange, but somehow find this one matches beautifully the blue).
  • A gorgeous quilted booksleeve with a button (I liked that detail and the print of the fabric).
  • Lull Tea.
  • Shiny charm bracelet wiht a purple moth. <3
  • Logo pin which is also delightful and very detailed.
  • A hardbacked journal with a dreamy scene. It has a ribbon bookmark and elastic band.
  • Mug cake, old fashioned one (I have yet to try it, but looks intriguing).
  • Goddess of Dreams fabric/linen spray.
  • Trading cards.
  • MY favourite item, a gorgeous potion bottle with a candle inside.
  • And of course the theme and contents booklet.

It was a very purple edition and I was extremely pleased by it.

Subscription Boxes

Catwoman Litjoy Crate Unboxing


As you know this is the US edition and it is a signed copy (it isn’t a Litjoy exclusive but still, very cool). Starting from the book, here’s the unboxing:

  • Catwoman book by Sarah J. Maas, it also has an author letter.
  • Catwoman socks (I loved them so much!)
  • A Harley Quinn bath bomb which is hwy it is two colours 🙂
  • Catwoman theme booklet.
  • Jewellry ceramic dish, Meow! I thought it was a very original idea and found it a lovely addition to the box.
  • Poison Ivy candle, which made me smile.
  • Catwoman decals, for your nails, and they look gorgeous, tempting me to redo my nails, but alas I have at the moment Ghibli themed ones and I love them too.
  • And of course the exclusive trading cards for Litjoy.

It was a lovely box, even if it felt a tiny bit less wow that previous boxes, but on the good side I enjoyed all items.

Books, Subscription Boxes

Gothic Ghostbusters LitJoy Crate


Sadly I missed the delivery day of my Litjoy so it had to wait a few days to be picked up, but it is an interesting box. Included were:

  • My Plain Jane, exclusive edition. This is the second Exclusively printed LitJoy edition book they have done and I love it, the extra page and illustration make it a bit nicer plus it is signed (no bookplate). My only wish (mostly because wishes) is that it had sprayed edges too but it is not a complaint.
  • A library Card pouch which is tres tres cool. And somehow in the picture it looks much more like an old yellowed library card than a pouch.
  • Theme card/booklet.
  • The Last Magicians temporary tattoo
  • MMoaning Myrtle notebook 9with a quote that made me laugh!)
  • Ink and Wonder wooden bookmark (I love their designs, I always feel they are too pretty to use, one day I will use them!)
  • A tea towel, winner! I love tea towels in book boxes and this one definitely fits well into my collection (I just wish it was a bigger bit of art rather than just that bit but nevermind).
  • A gorgeous feather pen. Mine decided to spill all the ink into the bag and miraculously not actually get the feather which is a stunning shade.
  • And of course the new trading cards which were much better than I thought they would be and I love them, gorgeous!
Subscription Boxes

Dark Kingdom LitJoy Unboxing


Just to clarify, the book included in LitJoy was exactly the same as the one included in Save The Kingdom Fairyloot. Fairyloot edition (book and cover on top left corner) had sprayed edges in black whereas the Litjoy edition has the extra image (the open book in the picture). And I am of course having a very hard time choosing which edition to keep. But let’s do the proper unboxing starting from the book on the top left corner and going clockwise:

  • Onyx & Ivory exclusive LitJoy edition.or letter on the other side, it is signed (rather than bookplate), but it lacks the sprayed edges.
  • Gold Collagen Eye Mask. I’ve always wanted to try them but never did justify getting so I was pleased to receive them in this box as it is the perfect excuse to try them without feeling guilty or silly for choosing them.
  • Dragon Eye Activated Charcoal by The Charming Frog. I have raved about The Charming Frog’s soaps before and I usually stock up on them, so I immediately recognised the soap was from them (yes that kind of fan of their soaps I am that just by seeing the soap I know it is from them before reading the label or anything) which makes me super happy.
  • Linh Cinder Magnet by Laura Hollingsworth. Funny, I have followed The Silver Eye comic for a long time so it was also easy to recognise one artist I enjoy very much (LitJoy really overdid themselves choosing things I like and can recognise).
  • A set of promotional cards about Onyx and Ivory.
  • Theme card
  • Life Force Novelly Yours Candle. It smells yummy!
  • Dragon print by Bambi Khan.
  • Darkling & Rhysand “Magical Men” Tote bag, which is huge and good quality.

I was very pleased with the box of course since it is lovely and had a lot of good products including the ones I knew from before!

Subscription Boxes

Darlings and Deception LitJoy Crate Unboxing

I admit I had completely forgotten that my LitJoy Crate was on the way, so it was such a nice thing to realise that it was at the post office (it was less nice that postie didn’t leave it at home and made me go pick it up next day, which means waking up at silly o’clock).

20180504_073734.jpgStarting from the bottom left corner, and going clockwise:

  • Theme card, it gives me a Disney vibe and I love it! It also includes a photo challenge, and explanations on why each item was chosen (this is one of my favourite things about LitJoy, they always explain why they chose the items and how they match the theme/book).
  • Suitors and Sabotage by Cindy Anstey. I didn’t have this book in my radar but it looks interesting and I have instant cover love. It also included a letter from the author and a signed bookplate.
  • Double-sided colouring page (I love the book side, the other side is flowers).
  • A Midsummer Night #nofilter, it is a weird and funny amusing look at Shakespeare. Not exactly up my street but interesting nevertheless.
  • Out of This World Swoon bookmark.
  • Colouring Pencils to help colour the page (and I like that the box is like a colouring page).
  • Bee Brave bee pin. This is my absolute favourite item in the box, and I think I got very excited while I was unboxing this particular item. It is so cute and awesome!
  • Underneath it all is a Marie Antoinette apron, which was awesome because my usual apron is in dire need of repair and I have been in need of a new one, so this came at perfect timing!

I was happily surprised by this box and it was a good way to start the day.


Subscription Boxes

Poor Unfortunate Souls LitJoy Crate Unboxing

Since we just had the Middle Grade unboxing, let’s do the Young Adult one!


Isn’t it a fun box? I was pleasantly surprised yet again by it, and also ended up loving items I didn’t expect to love once I actually had them in my hands. So here we go, starting with the book and going clockwise:

  • To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo. This was on my TBR for a while so it was good to find it in this box.
  • A plush heart keychain, which is extra soft and I don’t usually like pompom like things.
  • Seashell and Starfish lights, which I am loving but will donate to a friend that really wanted some underwater/beach themed props.
  • Compass earrings, sadly you can’t see them well, but they are really cute and even come with an extra back post (?).
  • Two Unputdownable bookmarks.
  • A “Shelfies Over Selfies” pin which I approve of.
  • Mermaid artwork by this month’s artist.
  • Mermaid theme card. I love how they match so well with the art print and it means extra arty work.
  • A Little Mermaid sticker (I absolutely adore stickers, book box makers, do more stickers! Seriously!)
  • And finally a sequins cushion cover. I ended up finding it extremely fun and drawing a “heart” on it.