Subscription Boxes

Magical Artifacts Owlcrate Unboxing


First Owlcrate of the year. An interesting start I’d say. (Just in case anyone wonders, this isn’t sponsored, I don’t have enough followers to be a box rep) Starting from the top left and going clockwise:

  • A wall tapestry. This was one of the items that puzzled me the most. Most wall tapestries I have seen are big, kinda like “wrap myself in it” big. So that was my idea of what this may be. But it is the size of a tea towel and looks like one except the fabric is different. And well, I don’t buy it that this is what a wall tapestry is. This is a glorified tea towel that I can’t use as a tea towel because the fabric is all wrong (and that I’d absolutely utterly LOVE to use as a tea towel).
  • A wooden bookmark/letter opener. Haven’t tried it yet, and I am not sure I will. It is Sting which is cool and I like it.
  • The theme card.
  • The Gilded Wolves, which was the book for this month and I am looking forward to reading it.
  • Master of Death Socks. Remember my whole, they do high quality socks I really like? This pair doesn’t fit there. I mean they’re nice quality but look cheap and I am very tired of the same logo printed in everything. Book Boxes, please be creative! With SO many books out there, and with so many things in a book to choose from, and we keep getting the same logo/quote/thingy over and over. Just please, no!
  • Owlcrate collector pin. Every box and their mother is doing some kind of monthly collector item to make sure you keep it up. Fairyloot had their bookmarks but those weren’t that awesome (plus the promise of something amazing coming if you collected them all was an empty one). Litjoy has the cards, which I like because they will eventually complete a full playing card set (the biggest problem is the actual deck/card is hard to read, but it is there). Then Fairyloot is now doing Tarot cards. Owlcrate had something going on beforehand that was monthly too, oh yes, a round pin, but now they’ve upgraded it. And I am not really into this whole collect them all if you get all our boxes. I mean, the pin is cool. Just that I don’t buy book boxes for them to try to hook me with a “collector” item to keep my subscription for forever.
  • ADSOM pouch, which I like and is slightly different than the usual ones so plus points on this one.
  • You can’t see it well, but a golden branch bracelet. I was so happy to receive it because I have a set of hair pins that match it perfectly (that I got in a different box).
  • And finally, a luggage tag, which is one of the nicest ones I’ve had in a box, it is discreet enough but also unique, and I love that.

Well, looking back on my huge description, the summary is, I wish things were a little more creative. Not that I dislike it, mostly it is because I buy book boxes to make me smile, and yeah, this made me smile but also it made me go “but why?!” which takes a little away from that smile. Still, it is one of the “semi permanent” boxes I keep at the moment, so not bad.


2 thoughts on “Magical Artifacts Owlcrate Unboxing”

  1. I love book boxes but some are so pricey. I subscribe to the Ninja Book Box but they’re on hiatus right now

    1. They are pricey, which is why I am trying to describe them on what I like and don’t a little more this year (I have subscribed to a lot of them).

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