Bookish Teas makes the most amazing teas. They are inspired by books and characters and it is just the best tea I’ve had.
The anniversary box was gorgeous, just look at all the goodies. Going clockwise, starting with the print on the left:
- Anniversary Print by Kim Carlika. This is super dreamy, a lot of lovelies coming out of a cup of tea.
- A pretty tin of fruit tea which is the anniversary tea.
- All the feels candle by Glittering Flames, this has a soft flowery smells, quite interesting.
- French Kiss tea, a green tea blend inspired by Anna and The French Kiss.
- Thus with a Kiss I Die, a blend of black tea inspired by Romeo & Juliet.
- Anna and the French Kiss sticker, which is very cute and it has a lovely romantic feel.
- Anniversary tea mirror.
I know, it is very dreamy!
ohh wow love the tin box, candle & thoses watercolor printed !!!
Not a fan of green teas, however, but im sure the black one would be good :3
I like to try all kinds of tea, and I find the greens just require a bit of cooler water than the black, and the tin is so pretty along the print. I was very happy about this box.
this sounds like sucha wonderful box, if i didnt have such alarge collection of tea i’d subscribe. i think once ive lowered my tea collection i just might do that!
I have a huge tea collection but I still love Zilan’s teas for sure and get the boxes.