Subscription Boxes

Moon Hauls: Hidden Magic Illumicrate

Subscription box: Illumicrate

Theme/Month: Hidden Magic, August 2023

Ownership: Subscribed on their 6 boxes option. If you are interested in purchasing an Illumicrate subscription, you can do it on their website.

Illumicrate is a book subscription box, it usually features fantasy and sci-fi but not exclusively young adult, sometimes it features adult too. It usually contains a new release, a pin and several bookish goodies.

A very magical box this time, let’s start on the top left and go clockwise:

  • Bookmark set (I rarely ever care for character faces bookmarks, so these are usually a miss).
  • Washi tape, which is super adorable and cute and I’ve used some for decorating little pages or envelopes or similar.
  • Mug inspired by The Priory of the Orange Tree, as usual a win for me, very sturdy and my daily favourites.
  • A book tin for “The Book of Eyes”, also winners in general because they are useful tins to save stuff in.
  • The monthly leaflet for the theme
  • The book, which has a two types of view, with the cover showing Guardians of the Dawn “Zhara” but underneath it is “The Maiden who was Loved by Death”.

Overall a cute box, could’ve done without the bookmarks, but not a bad content and I am still to read the book, woops. But it is on my list and was before the box came out, just bad at actually reading through my TBR.

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