Subscription box: Illumicrate
Theme/Month: Be My Enemy, April 2023
Ownership: Subscribed on their 6 boxes option. If you are interested in purchasing an Illumicrate subscription, you can do it on their website.
Illumicrate is a book subscription box, it usually features fantasy and sci-fi but not exclusively young adult, sometimes it features adult too. It usually contains a new release, a pin and several bookish goodies.
Be my Enemy is a very hard theme to imagine because our enemies will be different to each of us, though I guess there is something for it we can all coincide in? Let’s start on the bottom left with the leaflet and go clockwise:
- Pardon the glare but I didn’t want to unwrap it as I keep the papercraft kits for moments of needing time for myself and I really love getting them in the boxes. The theme of this one was Blaze of Desire
- A Stag pin banner which has found a new home with someone who LOVES stags (it is very pretty, I just don’t have too much wall space).
- The Vermillion Birds tumbler. I already have a few of these so it wasn’t anything new, but I get having versions of it that you like more or less (this was not for me specifically but not an issue).
- The featured book, Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh and yet another book I haven’t read.
- And finally a dagger replica of the Sword of Truth.
One thing that I can see is that I really need to sit down and read my Illumicrate books because I am very much behind on them (I think particularly the 2023 ones), but maybe not my favourite box so far for the year.