A very late unbpxing of October’s Owlcrate (I did open it a while ago, but forgot to post about it, woops). It had two books and an item that as soon as I saw it and others too it was a comment of “it is perfect for me/you”. So let’s unbox, starting from the top left and going clockwise:
- Crier’s War by Nina Varela. Androids and humans in an interesting world, so excited to read it!
- An Illuminae book tin, each side has a quote from one of the books. It is dark and intriguing and a bit cryptic and I like it.
- I Hope You Get This Message by Farah Naz Bishi, the world is ending and I am not sure about this book but intrigued!
- A Warcross inspired sticker, it is very holographic and I like it.
- Magnetic bookmarks, probably the item I was the least excited about since I like the arts but do not particularly like the item.
- Theme card.
- The pin of the month, wasn’t my favourite but its kinda retro and cute.
- Finally, the item I loved the most, a moon necklace with circuitry. It is inspired by the Lunar Chronicles which I haven’t read and not bothered but absolutely fell in love with the charm and necklace. It is amazing.