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Geeks Unite Book Box Club Unboxing

I am a geek, you are a geek, we are all geeks… Who’s a geek with me?


January’s Book Box Club was all about being geek and of course I had to collaborate with their little project. So let’s do the unboxing starting from the theme card and going clockwise:

  • Theme card, in a bright set of Super power colours.
  • Brains are the New Black tote bag by Newton and The Apple. It made me smile when I saw it, now I want a T-shirt with this on it…
  • The Fandom by Anna Day. I actually have an ARC from this that I started and didn’t complete (because sometimes I just am not in the mood for it not because of the book).
  • A Book Box Club badge/pin that is a thank you for buying 10 or more boxes, which I love. It is on my coat now.
  • Fangirling candle by Bookworm Candles, their candles usually come with a cute crocheted ring.
  • Scrolled Clubhouse invitation.
  • I am a badass magnet by Book Box Club.
  • Boom Pow Nail Wraps by Dinkibelle, which look pretty cool and I’ll probably mess up (I suck at this).
  • And a geeky calendar with wonderful artworks by 12 artists, which is such a lovely little thing to include.

I am excited to see what’s next plus they just revealed their March topic.

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