Book Review, Books

Bringing Down the Moon Review

Bringing Down the Moon by Jonathan Emmett. Illustrated by Vanessa Cabban

Rating: MoonKestrel Logo2 20px MoonKestrel Logo2 20px MoonKestrel Logo2 20px MoonKestrel Logo2 20px

A book with a moon? Yes please! Plus this one was a lovely gift from a sweet friend, Luce, and I am delighted to review it.

We meet a cute little mole who just discovered the moon and wants to grab it and bring it down. It’s too amazing and beautiful, so gotta have it.

He tries to jump, he tries to throw something to make it fall down, and he keeps accidentally waking up other friends. The story is super adorable and it made me feel warm inside.

Worth as a nightime story or just a story to read out loud while cuddling and hugging a soft friend. And apparently there’s more stories of the mole and friends.

3 thoughts on “Bringing Down the Moon Review”

    1. I may have a few selections if you want to peruse the ones I am getting rid of 😉

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