After the Moon & Stars box, I did my best to not keep ym hopes up for this box. The previous one was SO good I wasn’t sure how the follow up box would be. But surprisingly it wasn’t a huge difference. It isn’t as good as Moon & Stars, but it isn’t a sad box or one that made me think “oh noes, not worth it”.
So let’s unbox the contents, starting from the theme card in the middle top and going clockwise:
- Theme card.
- A foiled scarf based on Sorcery of Thorns. I was like “oh this is gorgeous” and it still stands. It is stunning.
- A Serpent and Dove mug. I did not really like the book, but this mug, pure gold(en snake).
- Tarot collectible cards (not bothered but I can appreciate the art).
- A We Hunt the Flame print, the artwork is nice and I did recognise it despite still having the book on my TBR.
- This one made me giggle with the Mordor luggage tag and it is absolutely going on one of our suitcases because it is pretty cool and good pun.
- On top of the luggage tag is a sticker and there are also some foil booksmarks inspired by Nevernight series and I they fit the series well plus are a good design.
- A print for the book and the theme bookmark.
- The book, which is The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller. I don’t think I know much about it except that it had caught my eye and so I am looking forward to reading it.
- Artwork of the characters from the book (I am not sure yet who they are).
- There was also a lipbalm that is isnpired by The Wicked Saints and smells very yummy. Good tiing for winter and my husband starting to steal all of my lipbalms!
As you can see, this box had several stunning items and it still feels like a lot of care was going into it to make it so I am glad it didn’t fall flat. Looking forward to the March box!