Fairyloot announced this box and I knew I needed to have it. And I have to say, I do not regret it at all. I know I’ve been complaining about the contents of book boxes recently, but this box is exactly what I want to talk about.
You can see the effort and care that was put into it to make it a stunning box. The amount of items is great (I even missed one and had to add the picture at the end of this post) and they are varied, decent or good quality. The whole thing screams “we care, we love the theme, we put effort into this”. And this is what I find lacking recently. If you can do it for this one box, if I can see how much you care by the contents of your box, then why aren’t you all doing this all the time? I wouldn’t be umming and erring about keeping the subscription if the boxes were always this good!
I mean, even this box has items I am not keeping, but I feel way less sad about it because there are a lot of items I like and because there’s so mcuh awesome useful stuff, that I am okay with it.
But now let’s do a full unboxing, starting on the bottom left corner and going clockwise:
- Theme card.
- A print for the book that has the author letter on the other side.
- Stickers that are around the book. I love this, give me more fun stickers.
- Star fairy lights. Cute, tiny and just a great thing in general.
- Moon trinket dish. This is one of the ones I am not keeping but it is mostly because I already have two trinket dishes I prefer but I can still appreciate this one.
- Cushion cover. On one side it has a moon and reader illustration, on the other a quote. It went straight into my favourite cushion. Cushion covers that aren’t just a quote are 100 times better than the same print on both sides and it being a quote.
- Notebook with shiny foil and quote.
- Theme bookmark.
- Even the Darkest Stars keyring. First, yay because it is a look back at a previous book included, and second, it looks like Spyros and yeah, loved it.
- Moon and star paperclips. You can’t see it in the picture but the other side of the paperclip has a crescent moon. I adore them!
- Tarot cards. Not bothered since I am not collecting them.
- The book which is Woven in Moonlight.
- Also, pictured below rather than on the full picture, a moon phases neckalce that I am adoring.

As you can see, the quality and care shows. Also, to note, they had paper bags instead of plastic for most of the items (there is still some plastic, but it is minimal) so I am loving the choice on that too. I understand they will struggle to get rid of it all but the small change was something I liked too.
The only problem is that now I have high expectations for the next box and I don’t want ot ahve the hopes broken.
I loved seeing your unboxing on Instagram and I feel the same way about the box. I absolutely adored this one but I now have very high expectations! Not long until we find out about what’s inside the February box …
I am trying not to hold high hopes for February, because the December box wasn’t as good as this one, and I am just a little frustrated that the boxes could be this stunning if the effort was there, but it isn’t most of the time.