Let’s see what was isnide this Book Box Club! Starting from the book and going clockwise:
- The Beckoning Shadow, a book a bit like fight club but at the same time not.
- Postcard for An Absolutely Remarkable Thing
- A Quidditch ticket patch (I like patches I just don’t know what to do with them or where to put them).
- Barrington Stoke sampler collection.
- Seafire bookmark.
- Theme postcard.
- Queen of Hearts earrings, they will make my sister super happy!
- A very green Absolutely Remarkable Things notebook. It’s nice but sadly not that remarkable.
- A nicely smelling candle, Remember it’s only a Game.
- The clubhouse invite.
- A book Bingo that sticks to your fridge (magnetic). Sadly the stickers kept not working out and we just gotta mark them instead. But I like the concept!
- Finallly, a string bag with a quote on it. My mother loved it.
As much as I usually love Book Box Club, this box was a little underwhelming and it was also the box that was the most delayed. But the next box is the anniversary one so I am hoping it will pick up again (in general, August boxes aren’t my thing for some reason).