Subscription Boxes

Totoro Picnic YumeTwins Unboxing

This box made me panic, because it had not arrived almost two months later. But it did two days before I could complain it was lost in the post 9sneaky box).

As you know, every now and then I get one of their boxes because the theme tempts me. So with a theme of “Totoro Picnic” it was obvious I needed it, right? (the answer here is yes if it is Ghibli). Starting on the theme card on bottom right and going clockwise:

  • Theme zine, which usually has more than just what is inside the box.
  • Totoro chopsticks. I’ve had some other chopsticks from them and they’re sturdy and easy to wash.
  • Totoro plastic camper mug, super cute.
  • Totoro face towel in a handy holder.
  • A plastic picnic blanket (I should stop saying it has Totoro on it, right?)
  • Two nice receptacles, kinda bento boxes that stack well.
  • As a bonus, it came with a Pokemon cable protector (the tiny one next to the lid and chopsticks)

Isn’t it all super cute? I was glad I got this cute box.

Fill this sky with stars...