I bit the bullet for March’s Fairyloot because I wanted both book that would be in it, and a theme of Favourites should be pretty spectacular, right? Sadly, this box confirmed that I am not that into their boxes.
But let’s see what was inside, starting from the top left corner and going clockwise:
- Three prints. The only one I recognised was the Warcross one. Apparently the other two are from The Cruel Prince and An Ember in the Ashes. The artwork is nice, but 3 paper items aren’t really winning me over for this box.
- A golden metal bookmark that is embossed and inspired by Strange The Dreamer. I liked it but it’s not that amazing and the design gets lost in the metal.
- Theme postcard.
- Alice in Wonderland socks, probably one of the best items as I do like socks. But also, nothing special about them. I can easily buy socks like this just going to Oxford for the day and visiting the Alice shop.
- Bookworm Page Tabs. I like page tabs and have loved the potion ones they sent in a previous box, but this ones are less striking. Still not too bad, not too good, or rather, not a favourite.
- Theme bookmark
- Tarot cards, not collecting them so neither here nor there for me. The artwork was very nice which at least was a bonus here.
- Viper by Bex Hogan. That cover is gorgeous and I am so happy with this!
- Author letter with artwork (for To Best the Boys)
- To Best the Boys by Mary Weber, also another book I am looking forward to reading!
- A purple Fairyloot pin. I wasn’t crazy about it, it is a bit “blurry” so not really stunning or striking.
- And finally, underneath it all, a scarf with “favourite” books. It has spelling errors (I proof and proof my artwork if it has text, and when I “interpret” titles, I change to other words, not just omit letters), it is too translucent to actually show the books as books when you wear it, just looks like blots of colour, so not impressed. The artwork in itself has mmostly titles I don’t care about and that aren’t favourites.
All in all I was underwhelmed by the box. My favourite items were the books only, nothing else really made me think “oh yes, my favourites”, so for me the theme missed the mark. I am sure others loved it, but since I buy too many boxes and preorder too many books I have to be picky with what I get and sadly Fairyloot isn’t for me.
Viper!!!!! It’s exclusively purple and I love it!
Definitely agree with all your comments here – this was my first FairyLoot box and I was a bit underwhelmed with it! I’ve subscribed for the April box and will see how that goes but I don’t predict i’ll order many more!
I’ve been subscribed on and off for a while, but the more they move forward and grow, the less I like them, so can’t promise this will be the best 😛 Hope you enjoy it more than I do.