After a wonderful Clubhouse for The Other Side of the Lost, an unboxing of their October box, Fantasy Lands. I was very excited for this one because I immediately knew what book it’d be and wanted to see what else would be included to go alongside it. Starting from the top left corner and going clockwise:
- Courage, dear heart beanie. I don’t do beanies but it is ever so cute and I am trying to convine my bf that he can wear it.
- Bridge of Clay promotional postcard.
- Fantasy Lands theme card, this included the descriptiobns on the other side and feels very Narnia-like.
- As Travers tote bag, which was also lovely (totebags tend to be welcome here as I use them for shopping).
- Alice in Wonderland inspired tea, chocolatey if I remember correctly and yummy
- A Coraline biscuit which didn’t last very long and it was hard to resist chomping it as soon as it arrived.
- A gemstone soap with an actual gemstone inside, which also a bonus as I like gems and soaps, so all good.
- The Light Between Worlds by Laura Weymouth. I haven’t read it yet but apparently I love it so much I forgot to cancel my preorder, and had an ARC for it so now I have 3 copies of it.
- Clubhouse invite, personalised (the personalised bit is one of my favourite things).
- Three strikes sampler.
I am really looking forward to the buddy read next Monday of Light Between Worlds and to actually reading it (it was hard to wait because I really just wanted to curl up and read the book alongside a cup of tea and the biscuit, but somehow I managed to resist on one of those things).