Last month PageHabit offered to send an extra book on the same box, which was a good idea for me since I didn’t want two boxes.
Let’s do a counterclockwise round this time (because I keep saying I will and never do, so here you go!), starting from the top right corner:
- A Plague Of Giants by Kevin Hearne. This is the book for Fantasy and looks impressive and I really love the annotated part of it.
- Light up pumpkin key chain. It is cute fun even if it is small and silly.
- Last Star Burning by Caitlin Sangster. This one is the YA book and also annotated.
- Bookmark with Einstein quote.
- Library Card pillow case, which is really fun!
- Author letter for YA book, I wish I had had both author letters since I had both books.
- Short story included.
- A Nessie tea strainer, which I am happy to get because they have been so expensive I had desisted from buying one but love the look of it (not that I will actually use it for tea. If you read my blog frequently, it is common knowledge that I have one tea strainer I sought high and low to find that was perfect and it is the only one I use, as fun shape ones are a pain to clean).
I liked the box it was simple but had some fun items, so it was good. I get PageHabit because the books are annotated which is nice and interesting. However, some people have been having issues with them, I have not and as such can only say they have been good and I am just unhappy because shipping costs a lot but there’s not much that can be done about it.
My favourite part is that it comes annotated! (That’s why I get PageHabit, despite it is expensive for me)